Introduction to Chronology of X

Part 10 | Day of the Atom to Decimation [2004 to 2006]

At this point, the X-line suffers another shuffle as X-Treme X-Men is replaced by Astonishing X-Men v3 and New X-Men v1 goes back to X-Men v2 naming.

Also, from 2005 onwards, Marvel starts to entertain the idea of putting out huge line-wide crossovers in the summer. House of M is the first and it's pretty self-contained, when compared to what the future will bring in terms of crossovers.

Vol. 161 - Day of the Atom
X-Men v2 #157-160
X-Men Unlimited v2 #4 (1st story) (optional)

Vol. 162 - New X-Men: Choosing Sides (optional)
[Including this because it establishes the different squads.]

New X-Men v2 #1-6

Vol. 163 - The End of History
Uncanny X-Men #444-449
X-Men Unlimited v2 #2 (1st story) (optional)
X-Men Unlimited v2 #8 (1st story) (optional)
X-Men Unlimited v2 #11 (1st story) (optional)

Vol. 164 - Excalibur: Forging the Sword
[I will include all of Excalibur v3 because, although it is pretty uninteresting imo, it will ultimately lead to House of M.]

Excalibur v3 #1-7

Vol. 165 - Heroes and Villains
X-Men v2 #161-164

Vol. 166 - X-23: Innocence Lost (optional)
[All of this is optional, but is a damn good story about X-23's past. And since she will appear next on UXM, I think this is a good place to read it.]

X-23 #1-5
X-23 #6 (p. 1-22)
X-23: Target X #1-6
X-23 #6 (p. 23)

Vol. 167 - NYX (optional)
[Follow-up to X-23 journey before joining the X-Men.]

NYX #1-7

Vol. 168 - The Cruelest Cut
Uncanny X-Men #450-454
X-Men v2 #165

Vol. 169 - Avengers: Disassembled
[Although this is not an X-Men story, I think it's mandatory to read as a prelude to House of M, therefore, I don't consider it optional to be honest. Also, including stories outside of the x-universe will become more and more frequent as the crossovers truly become line-wide and the context is important imo.]

Avengers #500-503
Avengers: Finale

Vol. 170 - Excalibur: Saturday Night Fever
Excalibur v3 #8-10
Excalibur v3 #11 (p. 1-8)

Vol. 171 - Madrox: Multiple Choice (optional)
[Including this as a prelude to the formation of X-Factor.]

Madrox #1-5

Vol. 172 - Gifted
Astonishing X-Men v3 #1-6

Vol. 173 - Marvel Team-Up: Golden Child (optional)
[Not a very good story, but it features some X-Men so I've added it. Also including a Marvel Holiday Special at the end.]

Marvel Team-Up v3 #1-6
Marvel Holiday Special 2004 (2nd story)

Vol. 174 - Cable & Deadpool: If Looks Could Kill (optional)
[The X-Men appear in the second arc of this volume, so I opt to include everything from the beginning.]

Cable & Deadpool #1-10

Vol. 175 - X4
X-Men/Fantastic Four #1-5

Vol. 176 - World's End
Uncanny X-Men #455-459
Uncanny X-Men #460 (p. 1-15)

Vol. 177 - Wolverine: Enemy of the State
Wolverine v3 #20-25

Vol. 178 - Wolverine: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Wolverine v3 #26
New X-Men v2 #13 (p. 14-22)
Wolverine v3 #27-31

Vol. 179 - Secret War (optional)
[This event will be referenced a lot in Marvel's big events in the following years, so I'm including it here.]

Secret War #1-5

Vol. 180 - Phoenix: Endsong
X-Men: Phoenix Endsong #1-5

Vol. 181 - Golgotha
Uncanny X-Men #460 (p. 16-23)
Uncanny X-Men #461
X-Men v2 #166-170

Vol. 182 - Dangerous
Astonishing X-Men v3 #7-12

Vol. 183 - Rogue: Forget Me Not (optional)
Rogue v3 #7-12

Vol. 184 - New Avengers: Breakout (optional)
[Including this because Wolverine becomes an Avenger here.]

New Avengers #1-6

Vol. 185 - New Avengers: The Sentry (optional)
[Including this because the X-Men appear and the Ronin story will be important to understand the beginning of Secret Invasion.]

New Avengers #7-12
New Avengers #13 (p. 1-21)

Vol. 186 - Bizarre Love Triangle
X-Men v2 #171-174

Vol. 187 - Wild Kingdom
X-Men v2 #175
Black Panther v4 #8
X-Men v2 #176
Black Panther v4 #9

Vol. 188 - Age of Apocalypse: Twilight (optional)
[Including this because the AoA will return in a few years down the line, and this event will be referenced. Also, it crosses over with the Exiles.]

Hulk: Broken Worlds #2 (1st story)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (4th story)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #1-2
Exiles #60-61
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #2-6

Vol. 189 - Weapon X: Days of Future Now (optional)
Weapon X: Days of Future Now #1-5

Vol. 190 - Excalibur: The Devil's Own
Excalibur v3 #11 (p. 9-22)
Excalibur v3 #12-14

Vol. 191 - House of M
[Not including any of the HoM tie-ins that occur in the HoM reality like Spider-Man, Wolverine, etc.]

House of M #1-8

Vol. 192 - Season of the Witch
[This happens during HoM.]

Uncanny X-Men #462-465

Most Decimation stories happen more or less concurrently, but of course, I'm open to suggestions for different orders. 

Vol. 193 - Decimation: The Day After
[Removed the pages that introduce the upcoming Apocalypse story.]

House of M: The Day After
X-Men v2 #177
X-Men v2 #178 (p. 1-7, 9-13, 17-23)
X-Men v2 #179 (p. 1-9, 11-13, 16-22)
X-Men v2 #180 (p. 1-5)

Vol. 194 - Decimation: Son of M
Son of M #1-6

Vol. 195 - Decimation: The 198
X-Men: The 198 #1-5
X-Men: The 198 Files

Vol. 196 - Decimation: Generation M
Generation M #1-5

Vol. 197 - Decimation: X-Factor
X-Factor v3 #1-6

Vol. 198 - Decimation: Childhood's End
New X-Men v2 #20 (p. 1-4, 19-24)
New X-Men v2 #21-23
New X-Men v2 #24 (p. 1-20)

Vol. 199 - Decimation: New Excalibur
New Excalibur #1-3

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