Introduction to Chronology of X

Part 06 | Legion Quest to Onslaught [1994 to 1996]

Vol. 81 - Cable: The Dark Ride
X-Force #39
X-Force #40 (p. 4-10)
Cable #17-19

Vol. 82 - Bishop: The Mountjoy Crisis (optional)
Bishop #1-4

Vol. 83 - Rebirth
X-Men Unlimited #6 (optional)
X-Men v2 Annual #3 (1994) (1st story)
Uncanny X-Men #318
Generation X #1 (p. 1-31) (optional) (formation of Gen X. It won't cross much with the X-Men)
X-Men v2 #38
X-Men v2 #39 (p. 14)
Wolverine v2 #87 (optional)
Wolverine v2 #89 (optional)
Excalibur Annual #2 (1994) (2nd story) (optional)

Vol. 84 - Rogue: An Affair to Remember
Rogue #1-4

Vol. 85 - Legion Quest
X-Factor #108-109
Uncanny X-Men #319
Marvel Holiday Special 1994 (1st story) (optional)
X-Men v2 #39 (p. 1-13, 15-23)
Uncanny X-Men #320
X-Men v2 #40
Uncanny X-Men #321
Cable #20 (p. 1-23)
X-Men v2 #41 (p. 1-21)
Cable #20 (p. 23-25)
X-Men v2 #41 (p. 22-23)
Wolverine v2 #90 (occurs at the same time of the events in the issues above)

Vol. 86 - The Dawn of Age of Apocalypse (optional)
[This volume contains only stories that occur before X-Men: Alpha.]

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (3rd story - Weapon X)
X-Men: Chronicles #1
Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: Sinister Bloodlines
X-Men: Chronicles #2
Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: By the Light
X-Man #-1
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (1st story - Colossus & Shadowcat)
Blink #1-3
Blink #4 (p.1-31)
X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (2nd story - Sabretooth)

Vol. 87 - Age of Apocalypse
[Best alternate timeline ever!]

X-Men: Alpha
Generation Next #1
Astonishing X-Men #1
X-Calibre #1
Gambit & The X-Ternals #1
Weapon X #1
Amazing X-Men #1
Factor-X #1
X-Man #1
Amazing X-Men #2
Factor-X #2
Weapon X #2
Gambit & The X-Ternals #2
X-Calibre #2
Astonishing X-Men #2
Generation Next #2
X-Man #2
Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen (optional)
Astonishing X-Men #3
Factor-X #3
Amazing X-Men #3
X-Calibre #3
Weapon X #3
Gambit & The X-Ternals #3
Generation Next #3
X-Man #3
X-Man #4 (p. 1-4)
X-Universe #1 (optional)
Astonishing X-Men #4
Generation Next #4
X-Calibre #3
X-Man #4 (p. 5-23)
Factor-X #4
Gambit & The X-Ternals #4
Amazing X-Men #4
Weapon X #4
X-Universe #2 (optional)
X-Men: Omega

Vol. 88 - Back to Reality
X-Men: Prime
Cable #21
Wolverine v2 #91
Uncanny X-Men #322
X-Men v2 #42-44
X-Force #44
Wolverine v2 Annual #1 (1995) (1st story)
Cable #22 (p. 1-22) (optional)
X-Force #45
X-Force #46 (p. 5-20)
X-Force #47 (p. 5-8, 12-21)
Uncanny X-Men #323-324
Wolverine v2 #92
X-Men v2 Annual #4 (1995)
Uncanny X-Men #325
Excalibur #91 (p. 23-24)
Excalibur #92
X-Men v2 #45
Uncanny X-Men #326

Vol. 89 - Wolverine & Gambit: Victims
Wolverine/Gambit: Victims #1-4

Vol. 90 - Burning Blood (optional)
[This volume finally resolves the mystery of the third Summers brother.]

Captain Marvel v3 #2-3
X-Men Legends #1-2

Vol. 91 - X-Factor: Havok's Fall (optional)
X-Factor #112-116
X-Factor #117 (p. 3-13, 15-21)
X-Factor #118 (Havok pages)

Vol. 92 - In the Red Zone
X-Men Unlimited #8 (optional)
Wolverine v2 #93
Wolverine v2 #94 (p. 1-5)
Wolverine v2 #95-96
X-Men Unlimited #9 (optional)
Uncanny X-Men Annual #19 (1995)
X-Men v2 #46
X-Men v2 #47 (p. 1-21)
X-Force #48 (p. 1-12, 15-23)
X-Men v2 #47 (p. 22)
Uncanny X-Men #328
Sabretooth: In the Red Zone
X-Men v2 #48-49
Uncanny X-Men #329-330
Archangel: Phantom Wings (optional)
X-Factor #119 (p. 10-12)
X-Factor #120 (p. 6,7,12)
X-Factor #121 (p. 7-9)

Vol. 93 - Cable & X-Man: The Man in the Mirror (optional)
[The X-Man book is mostly irrelevant to the X-teams but since he will play a part in Onslaught, I feel the need to give context for his role, hence this volume. I used only the Blaquesmith pages from the first X-Man issues. Didn't feel like the X-Man stories were important, and they're really bad tbh.]

X-Man #6 (p. 12)
X-Man #8 (p. 5, 16-17)
X-Man #9 (1st story) (p. 9, 16)
X-Man #9 (2nd story)
X-Man #10 (p. 3-21)
X-Man #11
Cable #26-27
Cable #28 (p. 1-10, 12-23)
X-Man #12
Excalibur #95
X-Force #48 (p. 13-14)
X-Force #49-50
Cable #29
X-Man #13
Cable #30
X-Man #14 (p. 1-5, 8-19)
Cable #31

Vol. 94 - Rise of Apocalypse (optional)
[The Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix take place here, and since it involves Apocalypse, I thought the other stories about Apocalypse's past would go well in this entirely optional volume.]

Rise of Apocalypse #1-4
Black Knight: Exodus
Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix #1-4

Vol. 95 - Road to Onslaught (Part 01)
X-Men: Brood #1-2
X-Men Unlimited #10
X-Men v2 #50
Uncanny X-Men #331
X-Force #52-54 (optional)

Vol. 96 - Storm: Sunburst and Snowblind
Storm #1-4

Vol. 97 - Road to Onslaught (Part 02)
Wolverine v2 #97-100
Uncanny X-Men #332
Wolverine v2 #101
X-Men v2 #51-52
X-Men v2 #53 (p. 17)
Cable #32
Uncanny X-Men #333
X-Force #55
Cable #33
X-Men Unlimited #11
X-Man #15 (p. 14-20)
X-Man #16-17 (Holocaust pages)

Vol. 98 - Onslaught
[Not including most peripheral, non-X-Men titles like Spider-Man, Green Goblin, etc.]

X-Men v2 #53 (p. 1-16, 18-22)
Fantastic Four #414 (p. 16)
Avengers #400 (last page)
Uncanny X-Men #334
X-Men v2 #54
Onslaught: X-Men
Uncanny X-Men #335
Avengers #401
Fantastic Four #415
Cable #34
Incredible Hulk #444 (Hulk Vs Cable pages)
Wolverine v2 #104
Excalibur #100 (X-Men pages)
X-Factor #124 (Random pages)
X-Factor #125
X-Man #18
X-Force #57
X-Men v2 #55
Uncanny X-Men #336
X-Factor #126
X-Force #58
Cable #35
X-Man #19
X-Men Unlimited #12
Incredible Hulk #445 (Hulk pages)
Iron Man #332
Avengers #402
Fantastic Four #416
Wolverine v2 #105
X-Men v2 #56
Onslaught: Marvel Universe
Cable #36
Generation X #20 (p. 16-18)
Uncanny X-Men #337
X-Men v2 #57
Onslaught: Epilogue
X-Men: The Road to Onslaught (optional)

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